
Templi Software Limited is committed to protecting the privacy of those using our website and associated services. This policy outlines how we handle personal information in accordance with the UK GDPR, EU GDPR 2016, the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) 2003, and other relevant data protection legislation.

Company Information

Registered Office: 128 City Road, London, United Kingdom, EC1V 2NX

Contact Email:

Data Protection Officer (DPO) Email:

ICO Registration Number: ZB726764

Basis of Lawful Processing

In accordance with data protection laws, Templi is bound to legitimise our reasons for data processing. These legal grounds as a data controller are enumerated below along with instances where they may be applicable:

Legal Grounds for Processing

Legal Grounds Examples of Use
Consent Opting in for marketing communication, subscriptions to newsletters, product updates etc.
Contractual Need Engaging in preliminary discussions and concluding employment contracts
Legal Requirements Compliance with fiscal obligations, such as those to HMRC
Genuine Interest Responding to inquiries from parties with whom we might not have a pre-existing relationship or contract

On occasions where we process special categories of personal data (for instance, health, racial, and ethnic information), we vow to observe and document any pertinent special conditions that are required.

As a data processor, we abide by the legal ground established by the data controller, frequently operating under the basis of genuine interest for software and AI-driven services.

Data Collection

Data You Provide:

Upon creating an account we collect your name, email address, and any additional information you opt to provide. This data enables us to create and manage your Templi account.

For transactions, we collect payment details, securely processed by third-party payment processors.

Your submissions, like content, comments, and messages, are collected based on the information you choose to provide within our services.

Automatic Data Collection:

We automatically gather technical data from your device, such as IP address, device type, and operating system, to enhance our services.

Data From Third Parties:

Data may be obtained from third-party services, like Google, for authentication purposes.

Data Use

We use your data to offer, maintain, and improve Templi. This includes:

We pledge not to sell or rent your personal data without your explicit permission.

Use of Large Language Models

For certain Templi features, we may use large language models (LLMs). These models are pre-trained and we don't directly train them on user-provided data.

Limited samples of user data may be sent to LLMs for specific service functionalities, without retention for training or other purposes. All of the LLMs are processed and used in the UK and no data is stored.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

We share your data only in these instances:

User Consent and Control

Explicit consent is obtained before sharing your data with third-party tools. You have the right to access, amend, or delete your personal data by contacting

Data Security and Retention

We implement robust safeguards for data protection, though no system is entirely secure. We store your data only as necessary and regularly delete redundant data.

We continually revise our data retention methods, ensuring that personal data is retained only for periods essential to our processing activities. We have instated data retention guidelines and schedules to underpin such practices.

As a data controller, data is kept if it aligns with prevailing best practices (e.g., ICO guidelines), advisors' suggestions (e.g., ACAS guidance), or as necessitated by law (e.g., HMRC stipulations). Our legitimate interests also guide our decision on retention periods.

As a data processor, we adhere to retention timeframes established by the controlling clients.

When it becomes indispensable to expunge data, we proceed with either manual deletion or anonymisation.

International Data Transfers

Cross-border data transfers are conducted under approved mechanisms to comply with data protection laws.

Do Not Track Signals

We adhere to "Do Not Track" signals by not collecting non-essential activity data.

Third-Party Services

We use third-party APIs and platforms under their respective privacy policies, minimising unnecessary data sharing.

Data Protection Rights

UK residents benefit from several rights concerning personal data processing:

To invoke any of these rights, we welcome written requests sent to our provided email addresses.

When functioning as a data processor, any rights requests we receive are relayed to the client controller, who may subsequently interact directly with you to gather additional details or confirm rights application.

Data Security Measures

We employ pertinent security safeguards to curb accidental loss, unsanctioned access, use, alteration, or exposure of your personal data. Furthermore, we restrict personal data access to those staff members, agents, contractors, and third parties with legitimate operational requisites. These parties are also bound to maintain data confidentiality.

In the event of a data security incident, we are committed to swift action in order to investigate, confine, and notify when necessary.

Complaints and Policy Updates

Concerns or complaints can be addressed to us or the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated, with the last revision on 29 July 2024.

For privacy-related queries, please contact us at

Addressing Concerns and Registering Complaints

We recognise that you may hold concerns or grievances related to this Policy. We invite you to engage us directly to discuss or lodge a complaint using our contact details provided near the beginning of this document.

Alternatively, complaints can be directed to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK's regulatory body for data protection, through this link:

This Privacy Policy was last revised on 29 July 2024

Contact Us

For any queries about our privacy practices, please contact us at